Type a SNP or surname into the input box and hit Return or click the blue Go button. If your SNP or surname is known to the FTDNA tree, you will see the relevant parts of the tree displayed (the surname must have 5% or more prevalence in a SNP to be shown). Select any of the examples or click the random SNP button . Hold down the Option key and click to select a random surname. Use the male/female button (, ) to toggle between the Y and mitochondrial DNA trees.
Use the Open All and Close All buttons to adjust the tree display; you can also click any ► or ▼ to expand or contract a section of the tree. Each row of the table is one SNP, followed in gray by the number of kits that have this SNP, followed by a bar chart showing percents paternal origin. Note that only those countries selected with the Clan Finder Options (see below) get a color bar. Finally any surnames that account for 5% or more of all kits under this SNP are shown in prevalence order.
All paternal origin and surname values shown are aggregated -- they represent the full data for the given SNP, the sum of all its descendants. Note that this is not the way that nationalities and surnames are presented in other trees, which tend to show only the new origins or names that attach to the SNP alone and not its descendants.
In many cases the display will show a trail of 'breadcrumbs' above the SNP table; these are the SNPs that come before (are the ancestors of) the SNP you entered. Click any of these to show their full details -- but be aware that very old SNPs (like A-PR2921 = Y Adam) will create over 20,000 rows to the table while may stall your browser.
Some SNP rows end in ">>" which indicates that the tree continues deeper at this point, but is not shown in order to keep the total list at a reasonable size. Click (?) to open the SNP info box and then click "Move to Top" to see the branching below this point.